Internal Investigations

ExFeds P.L.C. conducts confidential internal investigations for corporations and private entities, and maintains a cadre of investigative personnel that includes former Federal Agents from the Departments of Justice and Treasury, as well as a prominent Forensic Accounting firm.  This investigative team can take proactive steps to identify areas of legal liability, address and prevent potential fraud or misconduct, and advise clients regarding action to reduce exposure to such activity.

Examples of internal investigation services include:

  1. Employee misconduct.
  2. Embezzlement.
  3. Conflict of interest and kickbacks.
  4. Failure to comply with government regulation, policy, or law.
  5. Drug policy review and enforcement.
  6. Misappropriation of company proprietary data or material.
  7. Discrimination claims.

For an internal investigation to be effective, it must be professional, thorough, and confidential.  Using company personnel to investigate any potential or suspected wrongdoing is fraught with dangerous consequences.  All internal and external communication among management and shareholders is subject to complete discovery.   To insure confidentiality, the use of an outside attorney can take advantage of the attorney-client privilege.   Operating as the company’s outside counsel in sensitive matters, the Firm can confidentially evaluate whether an employee or officer’s misconduct would bind the company, assess the legal consequences of the situation, and formulate a plan of action to deal with the problem.